Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Last class

August 17, 2002 was my first day in the USA, I Came from Jeddah city in my country Saudi Arabia in order to work as a training officer. Since I got on the plan I was thinking how is going to be my life how can I live alone specially that I came from a society that cares about family connection rather than anything else. However, I arrived in Dulles airport; I was impressed to green everywhere, nice highway, and heavy trafficJ.

Since then I started studying and every day I learn something new, until I took my ITEC300 class “social net working”, I knew that I didn’t learn anything. I was not expecting the kind of huge technology that we have reached such as internet, blogs, messenger, chatting, second life tech, and virtual team. I’m really amazed from what I learned in this class, I realized that the existence of new technology made our life smaller, as if we live in a one place not a huge world anymore.

People live in Saudi Arabia can chat, talk, and see others in different continent while are sitting on the couch drinking their coffee, and won’t cost them more than cents believe it or not. Whereas couple years ago you only can do that by face to face conversation or watch them trough the TV and if you want to talk to someone that isn’t in your area will cost dollars if not hundreds.

No matter how old you are, from where you are, what race or sex you are. All are human talk in one language; if these rules apply, you can get the advantages of this huge revelation. In marketing, business in general, forms friendship, volunteer organization. Moreover, it could help to change courtiers’ diplomacy not only small organization or institution.

Finally, I wish for all my classmate and Prof. Melander best wishes in their life

Sunday, December 2, 2007


It's really something nice to see how someone could help and contribute to the betterment of society or to the "social good" without even moving from your chair or place!. the world is getting more and more connected and people from all over the world who have the same interest are getting closer to each other.

for a middle generation person like me, remembering perhaps couple of yours ago,before the invention of the Internet or advanced technology like cell phones or pagers at least in my country. It was almost impossible to be connected with someone even from our family. after the introduction of the pager, people were very excited and amazed of this technology. they even sometimes paged each other just for fun to listen to the sound to this amazing device. At that time, it was very difficult to communicate and create as simple as local organization.

Then came the revolution of cell phones and Internet. by this, things became much easier. It made it even easier to create international organizations and communicate globally with different people and cultures. People became more aware of each other differences in terms of customs and culture and this in turn made communication more effective between different countries. for example, I don't have to travel to China to know their culture or even from Saudi Arabia to Italy. the "social networking" environment is helping in resolving cultural, diplomatic,political and religious conflicts between people as we interact more and more with each other to serve for the betterment for our society.

In my humble opinion, the social networking will help, in the near future, in producing a mixture of globally interacted custom and cultures.