Sunday, September 30, 2007

Free ticket .

WooooooooW, It's really amazing. The second life should be the definition of "amazing". It's the time to visit anyplace in the world, learn different cultures, meet different people , gain experience from different perspective of expertise and learn anything you've ever dreamed of without any barriers. I'm really speechless this "second life" idea is above my imagination. I hope it could be in different languages including Arabic. i believe that it's going to be the next big revolution in the world that's if it's not already the "big thing". On the other hand, I suggest that pharmaceutical companies should invent a new glasses for protecting the vision and another medicine for preventing " hemorrhoid " that people will definitely get from the long hours of sitting in front of the PC ;)here is copule of links related to the topic, hope u like it

Saturday, September 22, 2007

How to be a Millioner

in continuous to my previous blog, there is no doubt that blog became one of the essential elements in our daily lives from A-Z. It spread so fast all over the world in a short period of time as stated by the author and this proofs that it's indeed a healthy thing to society. For me, Blogs are considered as an " interactive encyclopedia" . people can gain their need of information and knowledge about everything they want to know even if it's personal thing. for example, one of my friends wanted to have some consultation about a law case that he had, so he joined a blog site for lawyer and he shared with them his view and this led to a beneficial conclusion.

Moreover,the realistic statistics of marketing research has proven that blogs increased the consumer awareness rapidly with a zero cost. Our human nature tends to trust people who tried a product more than paying attention to an advertisement. because advertising always gives us the advantage and the bright side of the product, nothing else. Whereas, Blogs gives us the whole perspective about the products. furthermore, blog marketing advantage doesn't stop at this point. In fact. market researchers and product redevelopers gain a huge information without even loosing one cent.

while we are talking about the advantage of blogs, we shouldn't forget the abuse bloggers. in my perspective, there can be people who get payed by a certain company just for "blogging" their needs and interests to spread whatever the company wants to sell. For example, based on true story, one of the CEO's of a well-known company spread a rumor about a very good news that in turn will rise it's share in the market and he got the rumor for his advantage in selling his own stocks.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Indeed, blogs is a huge revolution now a days, and it’s “the time” to be one of their members. Bloger’s comments come from the heart to reach the hearts of users or readers, so it reviles huge and truthful information to both customers and the organization, for either new or old product. For instance, Iphone when it first came out, there was an enormous blogs corresponding. It created a fertile flow of information for users, hackers, and the company itself. In fact, one of my friends got the advantage of unlocking his Iphone through the blog. Another example is from my own experience, couple of years ago before the emergence of blogs I tried to get into the stock market but unfortunately I lost my money. On the other hand, couple moths ago I got back to the stock market with the help of bloggers who has the experience that I needed to get in order to survive the market.

Moreover, I really liked the part of the book that had to do with publishing a blog manifesto for the company. I think this should be a “must” for all companies. It will help in understanding their customers.

I believe that blog is the language of globalization. It’s a “one to many” conversation. There is no limitation in the advantage of using the blogs. It removes the cultural gaps, political conflicts…etc of the whole world.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Read it with morning Coffee

There were a number of points that I agreed as well as disagreed regarding informal network. The first one is related to extensive communication and how it helps an informal network In the real world, there is a big difference in terms of what the person actually is saying and what sort of meaning does that talk even have on the other person. This means that if the talk has no good points or points of quality in it, then there really isn’t much of a significance no matter how much the person will communicate with the other person to create a larger informal network.
One of the points that I don’t agree with is the point that says how people fit into a network is a matter of personality and considers this to be a myth. I think this isn’t true because from my own work experience, the majority of people seem to have a personality type that really doesn’t change much and so these people really choose the type of network in which they fit due to their particular personality.
Moreover, every strong network, whether it is formal or an informal one, should really have a high degree of trust and honesty in it. There was once an occasion when I was part of a team where work was divided among us. One of my team members always showed that he had gathered the necessary data needed for the project. But once I overheard his conversation saying that he still hadn’t got any data and will try to look for it soon and I really felt cheated. So trust has to be there in any particular network for it to become more successful at the work place.
"on my honor, all posts this blog are my own"

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Blog 1

This article reminds me of my own job experience, there are a number of times when different types of work can be done through an informal rather than a formal channel. This means that rather than using corporate work, one is able to get the work done by informally talking to friends either at the company or someone outside. In terms of the idea of the central person in a given contact, I would really consider myself to be the central person in my place as well as work. I work as a raining officer and on a daily basis; it is my central duty to act as the central communications person so all the people working with me has to interact with each other to know updates.
Just as the article talks about how performance management is related to one’s social contract and the amount of work done, I really believe that the goal for one should be to keep expanding the social contacts with the right people.

I also agree with the main points made in the article “Making Invisible Work Visible”. It’s indeed true that work tends to be done with more ease and also much more work done in a short period of time when there are less hierarchical levels as well as making it easy to coordinate work. This is the same scenario that happened in one of the departments that I worked for a couple of years ago. There were so many hierarchical levels in terms of the managerial level. Some of the hierarchical barriers were removed. This made it easy for the upper level management to be able to coordinate it with the lower level management.
What I want to stress in this blog is that companies should really put more emphasis on bringing more informality into the working place rather than simply asking everyone to follow the set procedures and guidelines. I have seen in the practical work environment that informal organizations really are able to achieve much more in terms of productivity than those companies that are very formal based. Such as goggle
“on my honor, all posts this blog are my own”