Saturday, September 8, 2007

Read it with morning Coffee

There were a number of points that I agreed as well as disagreed regarding informal network. The first one is related to extensive communication and how it helps an informal network In the real world, there is a big difference in terms of what the person actually is saying and what sort of meaning does that talk even have on the other person. This means that if the talk has no good points or points of quality in it, then there really isn’t much of a significance no matter how much the person will communicate with the other person to create a larger informal network.
One of the points that I don’t agree with is the point that says how people fit into a network is a matter of personality and considers this to be a myth. I think this isn’t true because from my own work experience, the majority of people seem to have a personality type that really doesn’t change much and so these people really choose the type of network in which they fit due to their particular personality.
Moreover, every strong network, whether it is formal or an informal one, should really have a high degree of trust and honesty in it. There was once an occasion when I was part of a team where work was divided among us. One of my team members always showed that he had gathered the necessary data needed for the project. But once I overheard his conversation saying that he still hadn’t got any data and will try to look for it soon and I really felt cheated. So trust has to be there in any particular network for it to become more successful at the work place.
"on my honor, all posts this blog are my own"