Sunday, November 4, 2007

looking for a job?.....

The articles I read reminded me of a conversation that we had in class related to recruiting and hiring by referral networking. It was a very debatable topic, some agreed and some disagreed of the advantages of the referral networking process. I was one of those who were pro referral networking. my rational behind this, was that even if you get hired or get a job through referral, your job isn't going to last if you are not being really committed coz people are paying you money to be in their organization and if you are not good enough certainly they are going to look for another person to do the job.

The same rational also applies for using the blog as resume or using social networking for recruitment. Surely, It's a very easy and inexpensive way to get connected and find the right person for any specific job.However, if that person doesn't prove to be "the One"...... well good luck for him or her in finding another job.

I think that the best advantage of any business form of social networking is to be connected with others in the same business and share knowledge and expertise.

1 comment:

Alexandra said...

I agree with what you say about getting a job by being referred by someone else, that is only the first step, you need to prove to the company that you have the characteristics and talents to stay where you are and keep that job. Also, even though I am not planning on using blogs as my resume, I think that it is a good idea. It shows the employers your true self and feelings, when we go to interviews we tend to say what they want to hear and be who they want us to be. Blogs allow for our real personalities to be shown.